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Thursday, February 14, 2008

New Pictures... Oddly.. no medical

We received updated pictures of Gabriella today, but no medical report. It was very strange. Our agency is checking into it because when we left Gabi had a bad chest cough. We're hoping to hear a report on that. Anyway, she is one beautiful little girl. She looks healthy and happy though.

In other news, Edward and I are planning our next trip to Guatemala. We will go over Edward's spring break and I will stay longer. We are currently exploring options for me to foster Gabriella after this time. I'd like to be able to stay down there with her until this nightmare is over. Perhaps I am "overly optimistic" but I DO feel like we're getting close to this being over.

Finally, we had hoped to be submitted to PGN today, but we were not. We will be submitted tomorrow... to be continued.


Anonymous said...

She looks like she's asking for GG.
I could eat her up; she's so sweet and cute. Whatever I can do to help, let me know.
Love you both,

AMY, ROB, JAY, DREW & EMMA said...

I hope you hear you are IN PGN soon. Gabi is too cute! She is getting so big. Look at all that hair!Let us know about PGN and your medical update.

Anonymous said...

Keeping our fingers crossed that you are back in PGN today! Love the new pics - she is gorgeous! Hang in there - we're going to get Gabi and Jeremiah home!


Anonymous said...

you ARE closer...every day you are closer to bring your baby girl home.

Katie said...

What a beauty !!! You should go foster .. it is so worth it !!