Lilypie 2nd Birthday Ticker

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

You Might Have Noticed...

that I have a new ticker below Gabi's birthday ticker. What does this mean? I don't know how much more certain we could be at this time. As of March 14, we will not give our beautiful Gabriella Lilisol back ever again. As of this date, Ed and I will arrive to GC, receive her from her foster family and not return her. Ed will have to return to the US because of his school obligations. However, we have made the scary and phenomenal decision for me to foster beautiful Gabriella until she is able to come home where she belongs.

On Easter Sunday, we will move into an apartment in Antigua where I will care for Gabi, love on her, and hopefully create an unbreakable bond with her. I will meet other parents doing the same thing-- I already know a couple-- and enjoy the beauty of Gabi's birth country.

Because Ed and I have such an unrelenting chaotic schedule beginning with his graduation, we feel it is imperative for Gabi to be as attached as possible to at least one of us. Otherwise her little life will be full of upheaval with no anchor. That is very unfair to her. This type of chaos is nothing new to Ed and I, but we want her to feel comfortable once she returns home with us. This is especially important since she has so many people just DYING to meet her, love on her and enjoy her silly smile. We will be moving, traveling with Gabi's extended family and meeting lots of friends and family. We pray that this proactive move will help her handle all of these exciting, yet overwhelming events. (Mike-- I know this is probably giving you a panic attack just thinking of our plans. Breathe deeply.)


Anonymous said...

We are so exicted you have made plans to foster. I hate we will not get to celebrate together but I can promise we will celebrate for Gabi in SC.

Mike & Robin

Paige said...

Well that sounds like fun! Have you gotten the apartment etc yet?

anjfp said...

Horray!!!! I'm so happy that you got the plans worked out. Gabi will be so happy to have you there. What a relief this must be for you! Thinking about you lots. Happy house hunting :) Love ya!!!

Anonymous said...
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Katie said...

Thank goodness! There is finally a light at the end of the tunnel! What a wonderful relief you must feel. I am so incredibly happy for you. Best of luck with all the craziness in the upcoming months. I'm thinking about you all the time! :)

AMY, ROB, JAY, DREW & EMMA said...

I am so so EXCITED about this! I know it has been such a LONG, HARD journey for you....but being able to count down to when you will have Gabi forever is such a gift. The time will FLY because you are going to have so much to do. We hope you get to come home REALLY REALLY SOON!
The Hs

Susie said...

Wow!!!! What a wonderful opportunity. I would love to do this myself, but how do you leave 3 boys, hubby and a real estate career? Excited for you, all will work to good. Susie (Bella's Mommy)

Anonymous said...

i'm so excited for you that you have a date to look forward to for real!! it will be so wonderful to spend time with her in guatemala and then BRING HER HOME!!

Anonymous said...

What a brilliant plan!! I am so happy for Gabi, you and Edward. When can the sisters (aunts)come and stay? Ha.I really think my sister is going to Antigua over their spring break. How cool is that. I know lots of world travelers. Great news and a great decision. Keep the faith and we'll keep pushing.
Love you bunches.

Anonymous said...

What great news, that you are back in and can finally see the light at the end of the tunnel. You all deserve the love and happiness that will be yours forever. Hope to get to see sweet Gabi before the exidous to Houston. Love you both.