Lilypie 2nd Birthday Ticker

Friday, May 09, 2008

Busy, Busy, Busy

I'm sure I'm probably in trouble for not posting for several days. This is what we've been up to.
  • Ed finished exams and Gabi and I went shopping with Our MK and Amanda Z
  • I worked a half-day at the hospital
  • We completed a post-placement visit
  • Gabi and I went to Mt. Vernon
  • We visited with Aunt Cheryl, Uncle Chester and others
  • We were able to visit Aunt Sue's classroom to meet 7 Gold and all the students who have been following Gabi's story
  • We went to another party with the lab crew at Laura's
  • We went to Gabi's daddy's MBA tent party
We've had a wonderful week. We especially enjoyed the party with Aunt Sue's class. The kids and Aunt Sue gave Gabi lots of toys. Gabi received several things for playing in her new pool in Houston. She got a new ladybug towel, bib, Disney Princess backpack, outfit, kickboard, pool toys, a wagon to put them in, a new ball and a TON of attention. Gabi loved every minute of it!!! She especially loves her Aunt Sue. Thank you 7 Gold and Aunt Sue. We love you!

After we visited the school and Gabi had a nap, GG, Gabi and I went to get some new clothes with a gift certificate Aunt Linda gave us last year. We ended up with six new outfits. Gabi is going to be the best dressed kid in Houston. She has the most beautiful coloring and it makes shopping for her so much fun! Thanks Aunt Linda!!!


Robin said...

Gabi is cute as ever! We miss you all. Looks like a fun week.

Robin & Ella

Robyn said...

What adorable pics!! Gabi is a doll!!


Anonymous said...

i can't wait to see her!! is she in 12-18 months clothes?

Anonymous said...

Thank you for sharing your miracle with us. The kids talked about her all day. Thank you for the gift you gave us on Thursday. It was priceless.
Love you bunches,
Aunt Sue