Lilypie 2nd Birthday Ticker

Friday, June 22, 2007


We have a DNA MATCH!!!! I spoke to the lab a few moments ago and the results were sent to the embassy, our agency and ourselves yesterday. They said it was a match. This is a really big deal! If it was not a definitive match, the child could not be adopted. This result indicates that Gabriella is the biological daughter of her mother and, therefore, her mother has the right to relinquish her.

As soon as the U.S. Embassy receives this result, the countdown for our pre-approval (PA) begins. This PA is for visa issuance at the end of the process. We cannot proceed with PGN until we receive this PA. In some cases, our attorney will submit us to PGN without PA. However, we know that this will result in a kickout. The advantage to going into PGN without a PA is that they may find some other document that needs correction. This way you don't lose time being kicked out twice.

Hallelujah! That's all I can say. I actually screamed when I got off the phone. Izzy looked at me like I'd lost my mind. Maybe I have...


Karli said...

You get to see her soon, but not a moment too soon, I know. I can't blieve you are finally an expectant mommy! I am glad you parents are going with you. Be careul in Guatemala. If people don't understand your English, just speak really loud to them. It much work. :) Love, Karli

Karli said...

Okay, what a tard I am, my nails are too long, and I am too lazy to clip them so I have a billion typos in my previous message. In West Texas where I live, it is much more forgivable. Love, Kar

Anonymous said...

how wonderful!!! i'm so excited for this next step. jenny

Jodi said...

Congratulations...very exciting news!!! I love reading about your adoption process because it's so different than the one we went through.

We are so happy for you two!!!