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Sunday, November 04, 2007

Decisions, Decisions

We haven't finalized anything and we won't until after our trip over Thanksgiving, but we think that we'll be visiting Gabriella Sol around the 27th of December. Our hope and prayer is that this will be our last trip.... that we'll be able to bring her home on this trip. We'll plan to be there about 2 weeks. That is, of course, unless she is able to come home sooner. If the trip must be extended a bit for her Embassy appointment, I will most likely stay there by myself while Edward returns home for school.

It's been a long road that is far from over. We thought that she would be home in September, then October and now we pray for January. Obviously, it would be amazing if Gabi could be home by Christmas. But it is very unlikely. We intend to keep our Christmas tree up until she comes home. We want to celebrate her first Christmas as an A. and an American citizen with her tree, stockings, family and the story of Christ's birth.

We are so very grateful for the blessing of Gabriella in our lives. Unfortunately, the difficulty of the process has cast a dark shadow over the reality of this amazing little girl. We are starting to come out of that darkness a bit-- I'm assuming because of our impending visit. If we can just hold our breath a bit longer, she will be home. And she will be home in God's perfect timing. But we have also been blessed by the seemingly unending flow of support and love from our friends and family. You have loved us and Gabriella so much without even knowing her. We cannot wait to share this precious monkey with you!! Thank you. Please keep praying.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It's easy to keep you all in our prayers, you deserve all the blessings, just wish not so much of a challenge. Hang in there, hope you guys have a wonderful visit and I will continue to pray that she will be home for Christmas.